BV Rocket Mistel  3 view    This project was designed to be carried to within 290 km (180 miles) of the target by a Do 217 bomber. The carrier aircraft would go into a shallow dive to allow for ignition of the rocket's ramjet. The pilot would then locate the target by radar and release the main rocket in a ballistic trajectory. To help alleviate the calculated G forces (20 G), the pilot was in a prone position and was fitted with a shock absorber harness. The aircraft then ignited its own ramjet for the flight back to base.

    Span: 6 m (19' 8.4")    Length: 8 m (26' 3.2")    Max. Speed: 1000 km/h (621 mph)

Bv Rocket Mistel cutaway  This cutaway drawing shows the pilot's prone position in the Manually Controlled Rocket Projectile project....

Do 217 carrying BV Rocket Mistel   This view shows the Do 217 bomber carrying arrangement for the BV "Rocket Mistel".....

Thanks to J. Miranda for use of these three views.....

Check out his Reichdreams Dossiers, the information link is located on the Luft '46 page.....